This band featuring members of Winds and Mayhem, among others, starts its album with a bipolar "Auditorium of Modern Movements." The song consists of an orchestral or classical backdrop while guitarists Joacim Solheim and Helge K.
Haugen offer up a standard Metallica-like riff.
Add in a touch of Syd Barrett-leading-Pink Floyd-on-vocal and you get the full picture.
A brief piano interlude precedes the slightly heavier "Acceleration," which is fuelled by drummer Jan Axel Von Blomberg.
Again the song is also punctuated by classical elements, namely a fine piano weaving in and out.
There is almost a false sense of heavy metal here, particularly on "The Concept of Hate" and its leaning towards classic metal-cum-rock.
But the song is also perhaps the first true highlight, while "A Song for D.
Incorporated" is a blend of System of a Down and Judas Priest.
One slightly creepy effort is "The Green Office and the Dark Desk Drawer," accented by keyboards.
Generally though, this album consists of classic metal riffs with a certain British-styled vocal.
Only during "90 Degree Angles" does this format soften somewhat, the song beginning with an acoustic guitar intro mindful of Queensrÿche.
From there its twists and turns keep the listener's attention quite nicely.
It's a melodic, metal sonic adventure.