Oscar-winning composer Stephen Warbeck has created a fine recording and series of compositions with the soundtrack to Charlotte Gray.
While this recording has its moments, there's nothing all that spectacular about this recording or the composition.
Stephen Warbeck's Charlotte Gray seems to be a bit too derivative and often times aligns itself with a nostalgia that doesn't really exist.
It does have all of the components for excellent incidental music, much like ambient music that can be listened to as easily as it can be ignored, and while it does have the weeping strings made famous by Ralph Vaughn-Williams and the contemplative evocation that was used so often by all of the great composers, Stephen Warbeck's Charlotte Gray just comes off sounding like another film soundtrack to another movie that can't stand on its own musical merit.
One component of this recording that is worth mentioning is that of the lead violinist; this performer has a warm and wonderful tone, and at times single-handedly leads the orchestra through a dismal orchestration, making the listener feel as if the piece is actually worth their time, but unfortunately no mention is made of this performer in the liner notes.