Since forming this groundbreaking fusion ensemble in 1970, the legendary rock and jazz organist has thrived despite various incarnations of the group and numerous personnel changes.
The early 2000s lineup was one of the best, in part because of the powerful, emotional contributions by Brian Auger's children, lead vocalist Savannah Grace Auger and drummer/percussionist Karma D.
Savannah's soulful turns on a moody rendering of Herbie Hancock's "Butterfly" and a magical, retro-soul/funk reading of Marvin Gaye's "Troubleman" are early highlights here, as are Brian's brisk and lively "Happy Overture" and the buoyant, horn drenched "Freddie's Flight." Savannah and Karma collaborate with bassist Chris Golden on the mystical ballad "Homeward," another showcase for Savannah's heartfelt voice.
Most of the rest of this supercharged date is a mix of original barnburners ("Meet Mr.
Eddie") and the wistful, low-key title track, with a few cool retro exceptions: a soulful, bluesy rendering of Donovan's thought-provoking ballad "Season of the Witch" and a unique, mid-tempo arrangement of "Light My Fire" that makes it a jazzy torch tune.
Although Brian's magical retro keys are front and center, every brilliant, transcendent moment here belongs to his daughters, who carry on her father's tradition in grand style.