2002's aptly named Mourning...Resurrect provides an almost complete career repository for Green Bay, WI's deepest, darkest musical secret: Dusk.
Formed in the mid-'90s and disbanded before they'd produced barely a ripple outside the underground metal world, both Dusk's surprisingly energetic (arguably more death than doom) eponymous 1994 debut and its noticeably more mature and deliberate 1995 follow-up, Majestic Thou in Ruin, were decidedly imperfect affairs.
But their uncompromising nature (descended from earlier radicals like New York's Winter and England's Paradise Lost) and restless exploration of the genre's most shadowy nooks and crannies nevertheless left a mark on extreme American death/doom bands yet to come, inspiring them to dive fearlessly into the nether regions of metal's low-end sphere.
As such, these recordings aren't likely to make much sense to inexperienced listeners, but come highly recommended to serious doom enthusiasts -- not least due to the inclusion of the obscure compilation track "Yearning for Eternity.".