From the looks of the album cover, a neutered sub-Kozik illustration of a cute girl shaking her pelvis so hard you can see her panties, and the group's adoption of nouveau-rockabilly looks, you might think that the Red Elvises are a group of psychobilly rockabilly cats.
Take another look.
Specifically, look at the back cover, at the guy in the upper right-hand corner.
His name is Oleg and he has a huge open-mouthed grin, the kind of vacant expression that is never seen in rock & roll.
It's the first indication that the Red Elvises are not what they seem; they're really kindred spirits with Rednex, not Jon Spencer.
That means they're trashy Europop.
They don't even send up Americana that much, the way Rednex really did with "Cotton Eyed Joe." They just turn out some low-key Eurodisco with goofy lyrics and voices and reasonably catchy hooks.
It's fairly pleasant Europop, but it's not particularly memorable outside of its packaging.