Worlds of the Mind captures m.o.v.e. in their prime as an exemplary anime credits group: not the rock kind, like L'Arc-n-Ciel, but it's not really important, because those bands share certain core traits anyway -- that is, they play really fast and energetically, but whatever rough edges the style allows for are smoothed over by the uber-melodicism of their songwriting, which, like any other uber-melodicism, sets the mood but commands little attention (that being what a good credits song is supposed to do).
The style in question is techno/rap, heavier on techno than rap, since there's a singing female vocalist with a sentimental voice onboard, and the sound as a whole borrows a lot from '90s Eurodance -- not really an illogical thing considering that Worlds of the Mind was initially released in 2000.
The record comes complete with cliché battle cries of the era, like the energetic "You move with techno beat" in the title track, but these are not overwhelming, because like all smart pop artists, m.o.v.e. care for effectiveness, not following a particular style, and besides 2 Unlimited moments, there are Prodigy lite moments, industrial rock moments, and early-'90s laid-back funk/rap moments.
And those stylistic deviations come as a nice addition to the hooks themselves, because those are usually too straightforward, aimed at sticking in the minds of the listeners at the cost of compositional inventiveness.
But, again, that's anime credits music for you.