3 out of 5

1985 - 15 tracks

The Fury - Gary Numan

3 out of 5

1984 - 13 tracks

Berserker - Gary Numan

3 out of 5

1983 - 10 tracks

Warriors - Gary Numan

3 out of 5

1982 - 13 tracks

I, Assassin - Gary Numan

3 out of 5

1981 - 16 tracks

Dance - Gary Numan

3 out of 5

1980 - 16 tracks

Telekon - Gary Numan

3.5 out of 5

1979 - 14 tracks

Replicas - Gary Numan

4 out of 5
4.25 out of 5
7 out of 5

10 tracks

Savage - Gary Numan
